
Courses, Quizzes - Your learning community

We have some very talented people preparing exciting courses for you right now!

All courses offered will be free or affordable and relevant!

Please let us know if you have a particular topic you are interested in learning more about. If it’s a subject we think others would also be interested in we’d love to put our 30 years plus experience and skills in adult education and course design to good use!

If you already have course written that you’d like to offer to our community please contact us here.

Over 60 : What now and what Next?

This 4 week program is a combination of worksheets and weekly 1.5hr online small group collaborative conversations facilitated by Kim, founder of the I forgot to retire! community. Each week we'll cover a new topic area including: Reframing retirement: hopes fears and outrageous plans for the future; Health and happiness: what the latest research tells us and how to put what we already know into action; Travelled a bit? Time for a life wheel alignment: New priorities, new values, new options and possibilities; Designing the next decade: Before I leave this body I want to ... because... Be brave, be bold and together we'll help you figure out the how! Follow up session: Celebrating success and where to from here.

Stay Connected: